A Visit From Our MP
With just weeks away from spinning we received a welcome visit from our local MP who got to see a near complete line-up of machines poised for production.
Labour MP for Denton and Reddish, Andrew Gwynne, made his first visit to Tower Mill on Friday and was given a tour by our general manager Andy Ogden who showed him everything from the ground floor up.
“We were really happy to welcome him and show him what’s in store,” said Andy.
“We appreciate the support of both local and national Government. Without the help of the councillors and executives of Tameside Metropolitan Borough Council (TMBC) and other Manchester politicians fighting our cause, we wouldn’t be where we are now.”
It was with the help of TMBC that English Fine Cottons secured a £2 million loan from the Greater Manchester Combined Authority and a £1 million grant from the Government’s Textile Growth Programme (TGP) in December last year.
Along with a £2.8 million investment from our parent company Culimeta Saveguard, the money meant we could proceed with our three year launch and growth plan, order all of our magnificent machinery and hire the staff we need to begin producing the world’s best quality cotton yarns.
Following his visit, Mr Gwynne said: “What a fascinating morning I’ve had visiting Tower Mill in Dukinfield, which is Britain’s first cotton mill to open in years.
“All in all it’s a £6m investment in the local economy, creating new jobs both directly and indirectly in the wider textile industries of weaving knitting and dyeing.
“Thanks to Andy Ogden, the General Manager, for showing me around – and good luck for the future!”