The Day Cotton Arrived
It was a momentous day for us when our first cotton arrived! Although we’re not yet ready to start spinning, it was a moment we’ve all been waiting for.
A truck containing 80 bales of Supima® – American Pima cotton – rolled into Tower Mill, all the way from America’s largest cotton farm, in California. For now, the cotton has been put into storage where it’s dry and safe from contamination. We’ll take some out in a few weeks time when we are ready to run some tests on our new fibre preparation system.
Our operations manager Paul Storah, who managed the largest cotton spinning factory in South Africa before returning to the UK a few years ago, gave it his seal of approval, saying it is ‘nice and clean’.
High quality American Supima® cotton like this will make up about 90% of our supply in the first year. The other 10% will be Sea Island cotton from Barbados, which is renowned for its lustre and rarity.